Coaching Articles & Materials

As mandated by Babe Ruth League Inc., Beth – Wood Baseball League must abide by the following requirements for Managers / Coaches / Volunteers for the 2024 Season:
All Managers / Coaches / Volunteers MUST first become a Member of Beth – Wood Baseball and / or Amity Babe Ruth in SportsEngine, as mandated by Babe Ruth League. Contact League President Dwight C. Rowland ( to obtain the Code to join.
Once your membership in SportsEngine has been confirmed, you will be notified if an updated BG Check MUST be performed and along with the on – line Abuse Prevention Systems (APS) course as well at the same time, sponsored by SportsEngine (part of Sports Illustrated).
Once taken / successfully passed, these will be valid for a period of two (2) years. If you took these in 2023, there is no need for you to take them again – if you had these performed before 2023 or have not yet taken them at all, you will need to do so BEFORE you will be allowed to take the field with children in 2024 !!
Note there is a cost associated with taking these ($25.50 for both the BG Check / APS Training), which Beth – Wood will be picking up directly (so no cost to you). The League will be purchasing links in advance which will be sent to you upon request to take these to update your status.
If you should have any questions or are interested in becoming a Beth – Wood Coach for the first time and / or are currently a Coach whose requirements have expired beyond 2 years, feel free to contact Dwight C. Rowland, B-W President at

In addition, we would also like to share with them with the following additional information and educational materials to help them in not only dealing with their Players but also the Parents as well (click on the related links below to view, download and print them off) :
Coaching Philosophy – Dealing with Parents
Coaching Philosophy – Role Model
Coaching Philosophy – Youth Baseball
Present Coach’s Philosophy to Parents
Formulating Your Coach’s Philosophy
Coaching with Constructive Criticism
Coaching Your Own Child (Part 1)
Coaching Your Own Child (Part 2)
We will continue to provide our Coaches with the best training and materials we can offer. Should anyone have any additional documentation to further enhance the skills of our Coaches, please feel free to contact Dwight C. Rowland, B - W President at or Jeff Roche, B – W Player – Agent at at your convenience …